Juggling For Stress Relief: A How-To Guide – Juggling Secrets – Learn How To Juggle Today

Juggling For Stress Relief: A How-To Guide

Stress is a common experience for adults. juggling can be a helpful coping strategy for managing stress. Juggling has many benefits including reducing stress, improving mental focus, and promoting creativity. This how-to guide will provide instructions on how to start juggling for stress relief.

What Causes Stress?

Stress is a response to an external stimulus that causes an imbalance in the body. The body’s stress response is designed to protect us from danger, but it can be harmful when it’s constantly activated by everyday challenges. A variety of factors can contribute to stress, including work pressure, financial worries, family responsibilities, and relationship problems. Trying to cope with too many demands can leave you feeling overwhelmed and anxious.

Chronic stress can lead to serious health problems, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and depression. To reduce stress, it’s important to identify the causes and find healthy ways to manage them. Taking care of yourself by getting enough rest and exercise, eating a balanced diet, and making time for hobbies and relaxation can help you healthily cope with stress.

Does Juggling Reduce Stress?

For most people, the word “juggling” conjures up images of clowns and circuses. However, recent studies have shown that juggling can have several health benefits, including reducing stress levels. When you juggle, your brain is constantly processing a variety of information, such as the position of your hands and the movement of the objects. This helps to keep your mind active and engaged, which can be a welcome diversion from the stressors of daily life. In addition, the physical act of juggling requires coordination and concentration, which can help to focus your mind and body on the present moment. As a result, juggling can be an effective way to reduce stress and promote relaxation.

How To Start Juggling

Juggling is a great way to reduce stress and improve mental focus. Starting to juggle can seem daunting, but it is quite simple once you get the hang of it. All you need to start juggling are three balls. Begin by standing up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. You’ll want to start with only one ball and throw it from hand to hand. You want to aim the throw so that when you throw it with your right hand, the ball goes up above your left shoulder and drops straight down to where your left hand is. The same thing should be done when throwing from your left hand to your right hand. Aim for a little bit above your eye level and directly above your shoulder. When the ball reaches its peak, it will drop straight down into your hand.

Here’s a video I made to teach you how to juggle:

Once you get comfortable throwing one ball back and forth it’s time to grab the second ball. Each hand will have one ball. We’re going to start with throwing the ball in your right hand to the same spot as before and when it reaches the peak, you’ll throw the ball that’s currently in your left hand.

You’ll want to hit the same spot you did with practicing with one ball. This is a tedious and pretty boring process, but by doing this repetitive action, you’ll get good at it and when you move on to juggling 3 balls it will be way easier.

The process repeats for moving onto three balls as well. You’ll start with two balls in your right hand and one ball in your left. You’ll throw the first ball from your right hand up and to the same spot, when the first throw reaches its peak, you throw the second. As the second throw reaches its peak, you’ll throw the third.

Once you do this, simply stop and try to catch the balls. You’ll repeat the process now and go back and watch the video up above to keep practicing.

As you do this, you’ll get better and better over time. You do need to stick with it. It’s not going to be easy. But, as you do this you will notice that what was on your mind when you started is most likely not bothering you as much.

My guess on why this works is that you are too busy focusing on throwing and catching and our minds are able to focus on only a few things at a time, causing the thing we were stressing about to stress us out just a bit less.

I’m not a doctor, nor do I play one on the internet though. So this is just from personal experience and a few studies that I read. If you want to read them here are a few resources to learn more:


Juggling is a great way to relieve stress and promote mental focus. It is simple to learn how to juggle with just a few balls. Once you have learned the basic pattern, you can try more advanced tricks or experiment with different objects. Get creative and have fun!


Hey! I'm Chris Hughes and I started juggling when I was 8 years old. Since then i've taught tens of thousands of people! This is my website to teach you how to juggle.

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